Bold indicates lab members, # indicates undergraduates in the lab, ^ indicates postdoc in lab
Shayka, B., Hasselbarth, M.H. ^, Schill, S. and Allgeier, J. E. 2023. The natural capital of seagrass beds in
the Caribbean: evaluating their ecosystem services and blue carbon trade potential. Biology Letters
Andskog, M. A. *, C. A. Layman, and Allgeier, J. E. * 2023. Seagrass production around artificial reefs is
resistant to human stressors. (* = equal contribution) Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Shakya, A. # and Allgeier, J. E., 2023. Water column contributions to coral reef productivity: an ecosystem
ecology perspective to help overcome challenges of context dependence. Biological Reviews
Cline, T. W.^*, and Allgeier, J.E.*. 2022. Weak evidence for fish community control of coral reef resilience. Nature Ecology and Evolution (* = joint first author)
Esquivel, K*, Hesselbarth, M.H.K.*, Allgeier, J. E. 2022. Mechanistic support for increased primary
production around artificial reefs. Ecological Applications (* = joint first author)
Schiettekatte, N.M.D., plus 22 other authors including Munsterman K.S., Allgeier, J.E. 2022 Trade-offs redefine the vulnerability of reef fish functions. Nature Ecology and Evolution
Brines, E., #, A. Andskog, K. S. Munsterman, and Allgeier, J. E.. 2022 Fish fertilization of seagrass across a gradient of eutrophication in Haiti. Marine Biology
Allgeier, J.E., Weeks, B.C., Wenger, S.J., Wale, N., Schiettekatte, NMD, Villéger, S, Burkepile, D.E.,
Munsterman, K.S., Parravicini, V. 2021 Phylogenetic conservativism determines nutrient dynamics
of coral reef fishes. Nature Communications
Allgeier, J.E. 2021. Nutrient Stoichiometry of fishes and invertebrates in Caribbean coastal ecosystems.
Munsterman, K.S. #, Allgeier, J.E., Peters, J.R., Burkepile, D.E. 2021. A view from both ends: shifts in
herbivore assemblages impact top-down and bottom-up processes on coral reefs. Ecosystems.
Layman, C.A., Allgeier, J.E, Geary, S.T., 2020. Moving beyond semantics: Advancing restoration with food
web approaches. Food Webs
Layman, C.A.* and Allgeier, J.E*. Artificial reefs viewed from the bottom-up: an ecosystem ecology
perspective. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2020 (* = equal contribution)
Allgeier, J.E., Wenger, S.J., Layman, C.A. 2020. Taxonomic identity explain variation in body nutrient content
in a diverse food web. Scientific Reports.
Allgeier, J.E., Andskog, M., Hensel, E., Appaldo, R., Layman, C.A., Kemp, D. 2020 Rewiring coral:
anthropogenic nutrient shift coral-algal nutrient and energy pathways toward algal dominance. Global Change Biology. 00: 1–14
Allgeier, J.E., ^Cline, T.W.,, R. A. Wathen, Walsworth, T. N., Layman, C. A., and Schindler, D. S. 2020 Individual behavior drives ecosystem function. Science Advances
- featured by numerous news outlets including The Detroit Free Press
Schiettekatte, NMD, Barneche, DR, Villéger, S, Allgeier, J.E., Burkepile, D.E., Brandl, S.E., Casey, J.E.,
Mercière, A., Munsterman, K.S. #, Morat, F., Parravicini, V. 2020 Nutrient limitation, bioenergetics and
stoichiometry: A new model to predict elemental fluxes mediated by fishes. Functional Ecology. 00: 1– 13.
Allgeier, J.E., ^Cline. T.W., 2019 Technical Comment: Demographic dynamics of the smallest marine
vertebrates fuel coral reef ecosystem functioning. Science 366: 6472
Hensel, E., Allgeier, J.E., Layman, C.A., 2019. Effects of predator presence and habitat complexity on reef fish communities in The Bahamas. Marine Biology 166:136
Wathen, G*, Allgeier, J.E. *, Bouwes, N., Pollock, M.M., Schindler, D.E., and Jordan, C.E. 2019. Beaver
activity increases habitat complexity and spatial partitioning of steelhead trout. Canadian Journal of
Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. (* = joint first author)
Lyon, R.P, Eggleston, D.L., Bohnenstiehl, D.R., Layman, C.A., Ricci, S.W., Allgeier, J.E. 2019. Fish
community structure, habitat complexity, and soundscape characteristics of patch reefs in a tropical, back-reef system. Marine Ecology Progress Series 609:33-48
Vandermeer, J,, Agaii, A., Allgeier, J.E., Badgley, C., Baucom, R., Blesh, J., Fink Shapiro, L, Jones, A., Hoey, L., Jain, M., Perfecto, I., Wilson, M. 2018. Feeding Prometheus: An interdisciplinary approach for solving the global food crisis. Frontiers in Sustainability
Allgeier, J.E., Layman, C.A., Montana, C.G., Buhler, S.B., Appaldo, R., Rosemond, A.D. 2018. Anthropogenic versus fish-derived nutrient effects on seagrass community structure and function. Ecology
Allgeier, J.E., Speare K.E., Burkepile, D.E. 2018. Estimates of fish and coral larvae as nutrient subsidies to coral reef ecosystems. Ecosphere
Allgeier, J.E., Adam, T.C., Burkepile, D.E. 2017. The importance of individual and species-level traits for trophic niches among herbivorous coral reef fishes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Allgeier, J.E., Layman, C.A. Burkepile, D.E. 2017. Animal pee in the sea: consumer-mediated nutrient dynamics in the world's changing oceans. Global Change Biology
Allgeier, J.E., Valdivia, A., Cox, C.S., Layman, C.A. 2016. Fishing down nutrients on coral reefs. Nature
Communications 7:1246
- featured by 42 news outlets including National Geographic
- interviewed for Canadian Broadcasting Company's "Quirks and Quarks"
Layman, C.A., Allgeier, J.E., Montana, C. 2016. The attraction-production debate viewed from the bottom-
up:mechanistic evidence of enhanced production. Ecological Engineering 95: 574-579
Streicker, D.G. and Allgeier, J.E. 2016. Variability in individual dietary specialization across a resource gradient in common vampire bats. Journal of Applied Ecology 53:1280-1288.
Allgeier, J.E., Wenger, S.J., Schindler, D.E., Layman, C.A., Rosemond, A.D. 2015. Metabolic theory and
taxonomic identity predict nutrient cycling in a diverse food web. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the USA 112 (20): 2640-26437
- received feature commentary in PNAS and numerous independent news outlets (see here)
Allgeier, J.E., Layman, C.A., Mumby, P.J., Rosemond, A.D. 2015. Biogeochemical implications of regional
biodiversity loss across coastal marine ecosystems. Ecological Monographs 85: 117:132
Archer, S.K., Allgeier J.E., Semmens, B.X., Heppell, S.A., Pattengill-Semmens, C.V., Rosemond, A.D., Bush, P., McCoy, C.M., Johnson, C.B., and Layman, C.A., 2015. Hot moments in spawning aggregations: implications for ecosystem-scale nutrient cycling. Coral Reefs 34: 19-23
Allgeier, J.E., Layman, C.A., Mumby, P.J., Rosemond, A.D. 2014. Consistent nutrient storage and supply
mediated by diverse fish communities in coral reef ecosystems. Global Change Biology 20: 2459-2472
Hammerschlag-Peyer, C.M., Allgeier, J.E., Layman, C.A. 2013. Predator effects on faunal community
composition in shallow seagrass beds of The Bahamas. Journal of Experimental Biology and Marine Ecology 446: 282-290
Burkepile, D.E., Allgeier, J.E., Shantz, A., Pritchard, C., Lemoine, N., Bhatti, L., Layman, C.A. 2013. Nutrient
supply from fishes facilitates macroalgae and suppresses corals in a Caribbean coral reef ecosystem. Scientific Reports 3: 1493
Allgeier, J.E., Yeager, L.A., Layman, C.A. 2013 Consumers alter nutrient limitation regimes and enhance
primary production. Ecology 94: 521-529.
- see press release in Science Daily
Layman, C.A., Allgeier, J.E., Yeager, L.A., Stoner, E.B. 2013 Thresholds of ecosystem response to nutrient
enrichment from fish aggregations. Ecology 94: 530-536
Layman, C.A. and Allgeier, J.E. 2012. Characterizing trophic ecology of generalist consumers: a case study on the invasive lionfish Pterois volitans in The Bahamas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 448:131-14
Allgeier, J.E., Rosemond, A.D., Layman, C.A. 2011. Small-scale variation in nutrient limitation and seagrass
nutrient content in Bahamian mangrove wetlands. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 407: 330-336
Yeager, L.A., Allgeier, J.E., Layman, C.A. 2011. Experimental test of how patch- and landscape-scale variables affect fish community assembly. Oecologia 167: 157-168
- Awarded top graduate student paper 2011, Florida International University
Allgeier, J.E., Rosemond, A.D., Layman, C.A. 2011. The frequency and magnitude of non-additive responses
to multiple nutrient enrichment. Journal of Applied Ecology 48: 96-101
- Recommended F1000 and Awarded top graduate student paper 2011, Odum School of Ecology, UGA
Layman, C.A.*, Allgeier, J.E.*, Rosemond, A.R., Dahlgren, C.P., Yeager, L. 2011. Marine fishery declines
viewed from the bottom-up. Ecological Applications 21(2): 343-349 (* = joint first author);
- Recommended F1000
- see press release in Science Daily
Allgeier, J.E., Mehring, A.S., Rosemond, A.D., Layman, C.A. 2010. Significant nutrient co-limitation across a
gradient of fragmentation in sub-tropical mangrove-dominated estuaries. Limnology and Oceanography 55(66): 2660-2668
Layman, C.A., Montaña, C.G., Allgeier, J.E. 2010. Linking community assembly and rates of water level
change in river littoral habitats. Aquatic Ecology 44: 269-273
Layman, C.A., Quattrochi, J.P., Peyer, C.M., Allgeier, J.E. 2007. Niche width collapse in a resilient predator
following ecosystem fragmentation. Ecology Letters 10:937-944
Manuscripts in advanced stages
Andskog, M. A. #*, C. A. Layman, and Allgeier, J. E. * Anthropogenic controls on biogeochemical hotspots in
a seagrass ecosystem. (* = joint first author)
Technical Reports
Layman, C.A., and Allgeier. J.E. Scientific regional evaluation of habitat for proposed marine protected area in southern Haiti. 2012. Report for The Nature Conservancy
Allgeier, J.E. Temporal variation and vertical migration of zooplankton in the upper 90 meters of the pelagic zone in Lake Tanganyika. 2001. Proc. Nyanza Project Lake Tanganyika